Adoption and Baptisms… Bring on the water works!

This past weekend we celebrated my dear husbands 31st birthday.  In was a fun filled and busy weekend filled with friends, family, lots of go go go and lots of relaxing.  It really was a perfect weekend.  It was also a little bit surreal that this is potentially the last birthday either of us will go through before we become parents.  As I have mentioned

This is where this story gets relevant to adoption.  While we were sitting in the service listening to our awesome leadership team lead us through some fantastic praise and worship music, they put up a live feed from the lobby of the people getting baptized at this specific service.  The first group of people were parents baptizing their children and I absolutely lost it.  The tears just started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably.  Josh looked at me, laughed, and put his arm around me because he knew exactly why I was crying.  While I truly hope that the children we are destined to be matched with will already know and love our savior Jesus Christ, how amazing would it be to lead our children to him if they didn’t know him? On top of that, the thought of getting to baptize my own children next to my husband… let’s just say it gets me a little teary eyed each time I think about it.  It was such a joy to watch all of these parents get to baptize their children.  The kids would come up from the water smiling and grab on to their parents and embrace them with the biggest most excited hug ever.  I long for that day…

We have our days where we ask ourselves “what the heck are we doing?” But it’s days like yesterday that remind me why God has put us on this path.  It is absolutely terrifying to think that we are going to be parents of potentially 3 children by Christmas of this year (granite it could be a shorter or longer wait and we are prepared for that).  But our God has a plan for us, and for the first time in our lives we are listening to that plan and following it the best we know how.

Just so you can kind of understand the excitement that surrounds Baptism Weekend at Life Church, here is the promo video for this last weekend:

Until Next Time,

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